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Executive Summaries

Here below are focused Executive Summaries.  Click to view.  

•  High Schools

•  Community Colleges

•  4-year Colleges and Universities

•  Mid-career

•  Veterans

•  Corporations

The last paragraph of each of six summaries focuses on specific ways Passion Spark may be supportive of, and integrate into, that one of the six populations noted above.

After clicking on one of the six peer groups noted above, a downloadable PDF is shown after that summary. 

High School
Passion Spark Executive Summary High School.png
Communty College
Passion Spark Executive Summary Community Colleges.png
Passion Spark Executive Summary Colleges and Universities.png
Passion Spark Executive Summary Midcareer.png

Additional content for military veterans is at this link.

Passion Spark Executive Summary Veterans.png

Additional content for corporations is at this link.

Passion Spark Executive Summary corporate.png
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