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Why Passion Spark Makes Sense

A fulfilling career is a goal of most people, yet finding one is often an elusive and stressful endeavor.  Prevailing education models often guide people to focus on the external world in order to choose a career where they can earn a good living. Passion Spark adds an often-missed element by first guiding people to their own inner knowing, using introspection to discover one’s passions, and then match a favorite passion to a viable career.

Passion Spark truly cares about its participants, and guides them to find a joyful and productive life path.

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Gallup finds 70% of those in the workplace are dissatisfied.  Multiple studies confirm that employee dissatisfaction generates stress, and that this work-related stress can result in physical and psychological ill health, family dysfunction, personal addictions, and less-than-optimal child rearing practices.


The modalities of Passion Spark Retreats make this introspective process an enjoyable adventure.  During the 8 gatherings of the Retreat, over 4 weeks, a caring environment develops that is almost magical as peers support each other in a process of discovery.


Passion Spark guides participants to own their path, experience personal motivation, and begin now; and, it offers a useful method to do so throughout life.  Finding a balance between what we love to do and what earns us a living is a lifelong activity. 

This page is a brief summary.  To enjoy a comprehensive view of what takes place during a Passion Spark Retreat, please click the Home Page button at the top of the page.  Then see "Website Contents" for many views of the Retreat, such as a summary page with graphic circles and arrows, a letter from a Director of College Counseling, two videos in which participants and experts share their experiences directly, and other.

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