Imagine the response from your employees who have teenage or college-age children, if you were to offer them the gift of a scholarship to Passion Spark for their child. Passion Spark is about “intelligently matching passion to career.”
When you support youth to a positive future the ripple effect benefits the whole community. When a young adult owns what they want to do with their life, and takes action to make it happen, we all win.
To support youth in this way, consider parents you may know of high school or college students who may introduce their young person to this Passion Spark website.
Gallup Research finds that 70% of the workforce is unsatisfied. Consider support a young person just by introducing them to Passion Spark to discover what passion lives within them, and how they can match that passion to a productive and satisfying career.
Passion Spark
mid-career peer is available for your employees. If your firm is large enough, providing the Retreat to current employees can help them transfer to a new position about which they are passionate. When employees are passionate about their work productivity goes up in multiple ways.
A dissatisfying work life can cause stress in employees, not infrequently high levels of stress. Outcomes from stress can result in physical and mental illness, dysfunctional families, and drug addictions.
In light of the factors just described, a hypothesis arises and Passion Spark has begun to demonstrate that: IF a young adult who focuses their education on the external world so as to one day earn a living, additionally follows an introspective path to their internal passion and then matches their passion to a career, THEN the following sequence is likely to occur. They will:
(a) significantly increase the likelihood of one day having a satisfying career;
(b) significantly reduce career-related stress in their lives;
(c) experience less physical or psychological ill health;
(d) bring significantly less stress and dysfunction to their family environment;
(e) provide better parenting to their children; and
(f) significantly reduce the likelihood that their children will follow their same or similar generational pattern of a less productive and less satisfying life.

To view your gift of a Passion Spark Retreat Workshop go to
To download a copy of your gift certificate, and the link that describes your the gift (paid for) by your company, click on this red button for a PDF copy (may take a few seconds to show).